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Full Professor - Professeur Bordeaux INP

Kuhn 2022

Groupe NanoSystèmes Analytiques
Institut des Sciences Moléculaires - UMR 5255 CNRS
Université de Bordeaux - Bordeaux INP

16 avenue Pey-Berland
33607 PESSAC Cedex

Phone : +33(0)5 56 84 65 97

Résumé de carrière / Career outline

1986 : Beginning of chemistry studies at the Technical University Munich

1989/90 : University Bordeaux 1
1990 : University of Oxford
1991 : Master degree in Chemistry at the Technical University Munich
1992-94 : PhD at the Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal in Bordeaux
1995/96 : Post-doc at the California Institute of Technology
1996 : Assistant Professor at the University Bordeaux 1
2000 : Full Professor at ENSCBP
2003-2006 : Director of the laboratory LACReM at ENSCBP
2005 : Promotion to 1st class professor
2007-2010 : Head of the group Analytical Nanosystems (NsysA) at the Institute of Molecular Sciences
2007-2013 : Member of the Council of the french agency for evaluation of research and higher education (AERES)
2012 : Promotion to exceptional class professor
2008-2015 : Director of International Relations at ENSCBP
2013- : Senior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF)
2015- : Distinguished Senior Fellow of the French Chemical Society (SCF)

 CNRS Portrait  (english version)

Curriculum Vitae
Télécharger CV en fichier pdf - Download CV as pdf file

Research Highlights

Télécharger en fichier pdf - Download as pdf file


see ORCID account

Latest News

- NEW  Congratulations to Dr. Sopon Butcha, a previous co-tutelle PhD student between our group and VISTEC, for having received the Merck CST Distinguished Dissertation Award 2023 from the Chemical Society of Thailand at the occasion of the international conference PACCON on 26th of January 2024 in Bangkok for his thesis work on chiral electrodes.

Aey award final

- NEW  Congratulations to Kostiantyn Tieriekhov for having successfully passed his PhD defence on 22nd of December 2023

Photo Kostia Ceremony

- The official medal ceremony for the Tremplin ASEAN award was organized at the French Academy of Science on October 17th 2023.

Medal ceremony

- Congratulations to Thitapond Nulek for having succesfully passed her PhD exam on August 15. She spent part of her thesis in our group in the frame of the ChiraChem project in collaboration with VISTEC.


Congratulations to Tatjana Safarik for passing succesfully her PhD exam on June 16. Her thesis was a collaborative work with Nicolas Mano at CRPP in the frame of the european ITN project ImplantSens.

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Our collaboration with VISTEC, and in particular the joint project ChiraChem, has just received the Tremplin ASEAN award from the French Academy of Science and the French Ministry of Research and Higer Education. The award was presented on 13.6. at the occasion of a scientific ceremony in Paris!

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- Congratulations to Sorasak Klinyod, who just received a co-tutelle scholarship from the French Embassy in Thailand and will join us later this year for two years as a PhD student in the fram of the collaboration with VISTEC.

Welcome to Khaoula Missaoui, who joined us in June for a post-doc in collaboration with Thierry Toupance (ISM) and Guillaume Wantz (IMS).

- Congratulations to our two co-tutelle PhD students (Marisa Ketkaew (right) and Sopon Butcha (left)) between the University of Bordeaux and VISTEC who received on the 15th of November their official PhD title from the princess of Thailand and the president of VISTEC (Jumras Limtrakul (middle)).


- Welcome to Ruchao Gao who joined us in October for three years as a PhD student in the frame of the collaboration with Lin Zhang from Henan University/China.

- If you're interested in some aspects of our work on chirality please have a look at this online lecture (starting from 0:40), delivered at the occassion of the selection of one of our articles in the journal CHIRALITY as one of the three most outstanding publications of the year 2021. The full program of this First Virtual Symposium on Chirality is here.

- Our project CHIRACHEM, carried out in collaboration with VISTEC and the Institute of Chemical Science in Rennes, has been selected by CNRS as an International Research Project (IRP) with associated funding for the next five years. The starting date is 1.1.2022.

Our collaboration with VISTEC has received the "Outstanding Research Award from the National Research Council of Thailand". Watch the video presenting our joint work on "Mesoporous chiral electrodes" (in Thai with English subtitles)

- If you are interested in porous electrodes, here is a link to a talk given in March 2019 at the Collège de France (in French)

- If you are interested in bipolar electrochemistry, here is a link to the talk given in February 2018 at the Collège de France (in French)


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