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G. Salinas, S. M. Beladi-Mousavi, L. Gerasimova, L. Bouffier, A. Kuhn

Anal. Chem. 94 (2022) 14317–14321

Bipolar electrochemistry (BE) is a wireless electrochemical technique, which enables asymmetric electroactivity on the surface of conducting objects. This technique has been extensively studied for different electrochemical applications including synthesis, separation, sensing, and surface modification. Here, we employ BE for imaging the transient electrochemical activity of different redox species with high accuracy via an array of light-emitting diodes having different lengths. Such a gradient allows the differentiation of redox systems due to their intrinsic difference in thermodynamic potential and the evaluation of their diffusional behavior based on the intensity of light emission. The result is an instantaneous optical readout of analytical information, equivalent to classic electrochemical scanning techniques such as linear sweep voltammetry.

2022 14