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D. Han, D. Jiang, G. Valenti, F. Paolucci, F. Kanoufi, P. Chaumet, D. Fang, N. Sojic

ACS Sensors, 2023, DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.3c01878

Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) is an optical readout technique that is successfully applied for the detection of biomarkers in body fluids using microbead-based immunoassays. This technology is of utmost importance for in vitro diagnostics and thus a very active research area but mainly focused on the quest for new dyes and coreactants, whereas the investigation of the ECL optics is extremely scarce. Herein, we report the 3D imaging of the ECL signals recorded at single microbeads decorated with the ECL labels in the sandwich immunoassay format. We show that the optical effects due to the light propagation through the bead determine mainly the spatial distribution of the recorded ECL signals. Indeed, the optical simulations based on the discrete dipole approximation compute rigorously the electromagnetic scattering of the ECL emission by the microbead and allows reconstructing the spatial map of ECL emission. Thus it provides a global description of the ECL chemical reactivity and the associated optics. The outcomes of this 3D imaging approach complemented by the optical modeling provide insight into the ECL optics and the unique ECL chemical mechanism operating on bead-based immunoassays. Therefore, it opens new directions for mechanistic investigations, ultrasensitive ECL bioassays and imaging.

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