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 Chargé de recherches CNRS - Researcher





Groupe NanoSystèmes Analytiques
Institut des Sciences Moléculaires - UMR 5255 CNRS
Université de Bordeaux - ENSCBP
16, Avenue Pey-Berland
33607 PESSAC Cedex

Phone : +33(0)5 56 84 79 08

Résumé de carrière / Career outline
Academic diploma
2015 : Habilitation in Physical Chemistry, Univ. Bordeaux
2005 : PhD in Organic Chemistry, UJF Grenoble
2002 : Master degrees in Molecular Chemistry & Chemical Biology, UJF Grenoble
2000 : BSc in Chemistry, UJF Grenoble
Work experience
2010-     : CNRS Researcher, Institute of Molecular Sciences, NSYSA Group, Bordeaux
2008-10 : Postdoc (EPSRC), Univ. Liverpool, Surface Chemistry of Nanoparticles (M. J. Rosseinsky)
2006-08 : Postdoc (Marie Curie Grant), Univ. Liverpool, Electronic Devices from Peptides (R. J. Nichols)
2005-06 : Postdoc (EU - FP6), Univ. Grenoble, Electronic Immuno-Interfaces (S. Cosnier)
2002-05 : PhD in Organic Chemistry (MESR), Univ. Grenoble, Targeting DNA with Pyridoacridines (M. Demeunynck)
Research interests
> Molecular Electrochemistry, Structure/Activity Relationship
> Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence
> Electroanalytical Chemistry, Bioelectrochemistry & Biosensors
> Bipolar Electrochemistry & Materials Science
2019-22 : PEDR (CNRS) for Doctoral Supervision and Research Excellence
2017 : Early Career Prize of Electrochemistry (< 40 y.o.) of the French Chemical Society
2014-17 : PEDR (CNRS) for Doctoral Supervision and Research Excellence
2013 : French Chemical Society Travel Grant
2009 : French Group of Bioelectrochemistry Travel Grant
2006 : Marie Curie “Transfer of Knowledge” Fellowship
2002 : PhD studentship from the French Research Ministry
2001 : Master 2 Grant (assigned on University merit)
77 peer-reviewed publications in international journals including 1 Acc. Chem. Res., 1 J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2 Angew. Chem., 1 ACS Cent. Sci., 5 Chem. Sci., 3 Chem. Commun., 5 Anal. Chem., 3 Chem. Eur. J., 7 J. Phys. Chem. C
5 book chapters
54 oral communications including 17 invitations
17 poster presentations

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